Sunday, December 28, 2008

Les Orenstein Ceramics

Also, from Laguna a happy holiday to Les Orenstein. I worked as an apprentice to Les at Lill Street Studios in Chicago in 1995. Loading kilns, trimming vessels, waxing and glazing, were all in a days work with Les watching Bulls games on a black and white television. The images here are from a few pieces at my Mothers place, that I must have toted back from the 1995 production. It was quite the education in work ethic, and commitment for an 18-19 year old kid.


  1. I took some classes at lill street during the early 80's, les is a true master.I learned alot about form and to this day I think of his ideas when I'm at the wheel. jim hanlon

  2. Thanks for the note Jim, I too think of Les and the lessons I learned back at Lill street. It is a great place.

  3. Les,
    Your Mother loves you.
